Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Innibos Part 2

So, where we, ah yes, Innibos. If this sentence seems odd to you, go ahead and read the post before this.

After the Rooster Anatomy, we walked around and hung out a bit at the festival. Imagine your typical county fair and then pick that fair up, put it into africa, and you've got Innibos. While it's true the stuff surrounding the music was much different than a typical fair, they still had the same "junk" vendors and glow sticks being sold all over the place. We saw a couple of bands perform. On the main stage, seen here:

Note: These Innibos photos all shamelessly stolen from Ethan's facebook page. The mainstage performances that we saw were this odd kind of audience involved Karoke Jukebox type thing. There was a list of songs on the jumbo screen that were going to be played and they polled people in the audience to determine which song would be up next and who would be playing it...or something like that. It was all in Afrikaans which I couldn't understand a bit of, so it was a bit of a guessing game as to what was happening. Either way, the music on the mainstage was terrible. Very much not my style...neat to see, got it, move on.

We also visited one of the smaller stages sponsored by some soap company, so there was text everywhere about germs being eliminated or some such nonsense. The fun part about this band, which was playing covers like every other band.

They did some cover of what is apparently a very popular song, which I'll pretend is called the same as the chorus: "Notty Nauauaughtchgh (sounds like a cough)-a-lighta". I couldn't help but laughing every time they sang the chorus, Afrikaans is a very interesting language. Other Afrikaans I know? Thank you is BuyADonkey, and Watermelon is Vartlemoon.

A view from above the stage in the back:

After watching the show for a bit, we then decided to go have some more food and watch a different band in the back of the house...

On the way there we (Ethan and myself) stopped for a Spitbraai Chips and Slaai, which is really a loose meat sandwich, fries, and a salad it turns out. It was served to us by this crusty old carnie who served it to us through a smokescreen and then told us that we should really try a "sauce" because it was "really quite nice on the meat". Worst mistake ever. Any ideas what this delicious "sauce" was? No? I'll wait...No? It was Mint Jelly. Never ever again do I want my meat to also be able to freshen my breath. It really ruined my Spitbraai, but hey, it's all about the experience right?

The band we saw was great except for the oddly white and charismatic singer whose music was so blatant about it's meaning that I had a bruise on my face after the concert from being hit with it so many times. I now begin the quest of trying to find out who this guy was singing...I'll update on how that impossible search goes later. I've just emailed the head of production for Innibos to find out this guy's name, now it becomes a quest.

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