Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The wedding

We've decided on a date for the wedding, June 26, 2010 and of course the location is Challain. For more information about that, please feel free to check out Terra's blog, she's got some great pictures and descriptions up about the chateau.

On another wedding related note, so people don't have to ask, please don't assume any wedding invite, or potential wedding invite includes a plus one to the invitation. To be blunt, I'm not paying a significant amount of money for someone I don't know to vacation in Europe. All guests not invited are welcome either to attend the reception later that year in Michigan or choose not to go. The chateau itself is at capacity and will not accept any additional guests.


  1. can steve mcqueen be our plus one?

    ....juuuuust kidding.

    (oh lord, can you imagine the terror.)

  2. Wow!! you guys are getting married in exactly 1 year from now!! Congrats!!


  3. it's about time you guys
